Why Do I Make My Cat Listen to "Sharin' the Night Together" by Dr. Hook 37 Times in a Row?

The Power of the Perfect Song (And My Poor Cat’s Suffering)

Some songs aren’t just for casual listening. No, no. These are the songs that hit a nerve of nostalgia, perfection, or just a plain great hook—and they demand to be played on repeat until they are part of my DNA.

Unfortunately for my cat, that means she’s along for the ride.

Take Sharin’ the Night Together by Dr. Hook. A soft rock masterpiece. A patter song of perfection. A tune that wormed its way into my brain so deeply that my cat had no choice but to endure it approximately 37 times in a row before she finally knocked a coffee off the counter in what I can only assume was a silent protest.

Bjork fan, eh? I get it.

And yes, she will endure it. Who does she think pays the bills around here?

Why Do I Assume My Pets Have the Same Taste in Music?

Here’s the thing—why do I assume my cat enjoys this? What if she prefers a strong French café jazz vibe? What if she’s a die-hard Fleetwood Mac fan and spends every night judging me for not playing Tusk on vinyl?

Or, more realistically, what if she’s just waiting for me to stop my nonsense and put the fackin’ food in the bowl?

Because, let’s be honest, that’s probably the answer.

Wait… Is This a Stress Thing?

About now you may be saying lady, what does any of this have to do with business?

Well, studies suggest that when we play songs on repeat, it’s because our brains crave pattern recognition, familiarity, and emotional comfort.

(This must be why I scroll Netflix for an entire hour, only to give up and put on Frasier. Every. Time.)

Repetitive listening is often linked to periods of high stress, overstimulation, or mental exhaustion. Our brains latch onto what feels safe and familiar, especially when life feels unpredictable.

Now, pair that with being an entrepreneur, small business owner, or just a regular human balancing 47 different responsibilities at all times, and suddenly, it makes sense why I’ve been stuck in a musical security blanket vortex.

The Science Behind Song Obsession (And How to Break the Cycle)

Music triggers dopamine release, which is why the perfect song on repeat feels so satisfying. It’s also why we can ruin our favorite songs by listening to them too much.

(Looking at you, 1999’s "I Want It That Way" phase. R.I.P.)

But what happens when repetition stops being comforting and starts being a rut? Why do we get stuck in loops we don’t even like anymore?

🔹 Decision Fatigue: When life throws too much at us, we default to familiar choices—music, TV shows, even food orders. (Hello, ordering the same meal at the same restaurant for three years.)

🔹 Mental Overload: The more overwhelmed we feel, the more we crave something predictable. Your brain is basically saying, “Listen, we can’t handle anything new right now, so just press play on what we already know works.”

🔹 Stress Response: Your brain associates certain songs with comfort. The problem? Comfort turns to exhaustion when it’s overplayed.

So… How Do You Escape the Repeat Spiral?

What if you don’t want to be stuck in the same music, food, and Netflix loop but can’t seem to break free?

Here’s some ways to reset:

“Shake the Playlist” Rule – Force yourself to hit shuffle or let someone else pick the music. Your brain won’t like it, but it’s a start.

Try the Wildcard Order – Next time you’re at your usual spot, order the one thing on the menu you’ve never tried. (No, not the salad. Something actually exciting.)

Flip the Script – If you always rewatch the same TV shows, set a rule: One new episode of something before you default back to comfort mode.

Change the Scenery – Repetitive habits aren’t just about music—sometimes, you need a full mental shake-up. Move your workspace, take a different route home, or work from a coffee shop.

Acknowledge the Stress Factor – If you’re deep in a repeat spiral, ask yourself: Am I overwhelmed? Do I need to reset something bigger? Because sometimes, it’s not about the song—it’s about everything else.

Final Thoughts: The Soundtrack of Stress & Success

Turns out, my Dr. Hook deep dive may have been less about music appreciation and more about my brain needing a predictable dopamine hit during a stressful season.

And if that’s true, then what else are we mindlessly repeating without even realizing it? In business? In habits? In life?

Something to think about, after I apologize to the cat.

PS: What’s Your ‘37 Times in a Row’ Song?

💡 Do you have a go-to song you overplay when life gets stressful? Let me know in the comments. It will be good to find a new song to obsess over!


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